
Joseph J. Calvanico, MAI, ASA, FRICS, BCA

Managing Member

Founding Member, Joseph J. Calvanico, is responsible for guiding the company's Property Taxation and Property Appraisal Services worldwide.  Recognized globally as both a property tax and a property appraisal expert, Mr. Calvanico has served thousands of clients both large and small, by providing property tax and property appraisal consulting services to support clients' needs.

Mr. Calvanico is experienced in property valuation and taxation work involving all types of property, including commercial and industrial properties, multi-residential properties and machinery and equipment.

With over 35 years of experience, Mr. Calvanico was a former Big 4 Accounting Firm partner and has run two national practices for large accounting firms. He has served as an expert witness in federal, state, and local court proceedings and has testified before state legislatures.  He is a frequent speaker on the subject of property value and property taxation and has authored over 100 articles on property value-related subjects.

Mr Calvanico is a member of the Appraisal Institute (MAI), and a senior member of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA). Mr. Calvanico has been appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Appraisal Foundation, where he actively contributes to shaping industry standards and ensuring excellence in the field of property appraisal and valuation. Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS) and a certified general appraiser or have received approval to practice in over 40 states. He has extensive experience in appraising properties outside of the United States.

Mr. Calvanico currently serves as an the Pasquinelli Family Distinguished Chair in Real Estate at the Marshall Bennett Institute of Real Estate at Roosevelt University, bridging the gap between industry expertise and academic instruction.

Mr. Calvanico is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and the John Marshall Law School of Law.

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